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Cyclops Reflector

Obviously the safety of your crew, as well as your own is of great concern and rightfully so. Marine traffic is on the rise year after year, combine this with the tendencies of modern day navigators to rely more heavily of electronics, while traveling at far greater speeds than ever before in almost any visibility and the outcome could spell d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r!

One inaccurate, yet common misconceptions is... That vessels of all sizes and shapes are reliable radar targets, that is, that they return a transmitted radar pulse adequately enough to show up as a strong and constant signal on radar. This is absolutely incorrect. Included in this statement are the 24' day cruisers, the 65' sport fishing boat or the 50' sail boat with a 70' mast. All are weak intermittent targets at best.


In order for a transmitting radar signal to produce a bright "paint" or blip on a radar screen, this signal must first be returned to the receiver from which it was transmitted.

In order for this to happen:

  • Radar energy must hit a surface capable of reflecting.
  • Reflecting surfaces must be perpendicular to the direction of the transmitted pulse.
  • Reflecting surfaces must be high enough above the water line to ensure visibility.


Tubing used to construct tuna towers, rigging, railings, masts etc. Any structures that are close to or below the water line have practically no reflective capabilities, including engines. Therefore a quality reflector, properly mounted is a must.

In Conclusion

Wood and fiberglass no matter what the surface orientation, are poor reflecting materials. Metal surfaces such as aluminum and steel have good reflecting qualities except when formed into curved or rounded surfaces including hulls.

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