Cyclops Reflector
Cyclops Reflector
Obviously the safety of your crew, as well as your own is of great concern and rightfully so. Marine traffic is on the rise year after year, combine this with the tendencies of modern day navigators to rely more heavily of electronics, while traveling at far greater speeds than ever before in almost any visibility and the outcome could spell d-i-s-a-s-t-e-r!

Cyclops Specifications
Cyclops Specifications

An inside look at what makes the Cyclops Reflector superior

    ● Mounted on each side is a standard octahedral reflector much like the well known corner reflectors
    ● Fore and aft are 2 di-electric lenses - originating from the ministry of Defense, British Admiralty Research Establishment. These reflect incoming radar energy much in the way that a cat's eye reflects light!
    ● The only passive reflector of it's type.

Cyclops Radar Reflectors -- A Brief History
Cyclops Radar Reflectors -- A Brief History
Cyclops reflectors have an impressive and historical past. Designed by the British Ministry of Defense for the British Admiralty, Cyclops then named the "magic ball", first came to light during the Falkland Wars.